Monday, January 16, 2012

Moving Right Along

I didn't expect to very good at updating this blog, but I did think I'd be a little bit than this. But like the old saying goes, it's better late than never. Since there's no dead line on this it can't exactly be "late", but you get the idea.

Tonight a friend of mine stopped by and we were playing some good ol' Mario Kart for a few minutes. As we were sitting there I started to smell something. Thinking it was me I started to get a little self conscious and scooted down the couch a little bit. I couldn't figure out how the smell could be coming from me, but I just figured I was overdue for a shower (even though I had one this morning). Anyhow, Taya comes over a few minutes later and picks up Dax, only to discover that he has a large poop stain on his back. He had his first real blowout. As much as I didn't enjoy changing that mess, I was a bit relieved it wasn't coming from me. Not sure why I didn't think that it could have been Dax in the first place, seeing as how he was 2 feet from me.

Dax is growing up before our very eyes! He is going to 5 months tomorrow (or maybe today by the time I get this posted) and I can honestly say he is the cutest baby I have ever seen. He (and Taya of course) makes my day from the second I get up. I love the mornings when I wake before him, or at the same time as him, and I get to go get him out of his crib and I'm greeted with a big, sleepy smile. I love when I get home from work and the second I catch his attention his arms start flailing and he starts squealing as loud as he can. I love watching Taya be his mommy and playing and laughing with him. I love watching him as he beams with pride at his ability to move around in is Jump-a-roo. I love tickling his bare armpits and hearing laugh. I love being able to sing to him when he's crying and watch his whole body calm down. I love being able to bathe him and watching him splash around in the water. I love how he loves to touch my beard. I love how he loves touching everything and just taking in the sensation of different textures. I love being able to snuggle him as he's sleepy and ready for bed. I just love everything about being his dad, and I wouldn't change anything about our life right now.

He's really progressing great. He's quite a monster in size. At his 4 month check up he was a whopping 18 lbs 4 oz! He's so chubby, which makes him even cuter. For his weight he checked in in the 90th percentile, and his height he was in the 60th. Just this week we've started feeding him solids and he loves it. He hasn't quite gotten the concept down yet that the flow of food isn't going to be as consistent as when he's drinking a bottle so between every bite he gets pretty ticket. I'll try to post of video of that sometime.

Well this is far more than I expected to write, so I'll wrap it up now. Until next time.

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